
28 June 2021

Delivery “ARA Piedrabuena” de Chantiers Piriou

Navaliber completes its works for the interior accommodation of the spaces inside its scope for the vessel “ARA Piedrabuena” that the Argentine Navy ordered to Naval […]
4 May 2021

Delivery “Monteraiola” at C.N.P. Freire

Navaliber accomplishes its works of turn-key interior accommodation for the new tuna fishing vessel that Freire Shipyard built for Grupo Calvo.
22 April 2021

Delivery of patrol vessel “Cóndor” R138 at Rodman

Navaliber completes its works of turn-key interior accommodation for the brand-new offshore patrol vessel “Cóndor” for custom services of the Spanish Tax Administration Agency.
9 April 2021

Delivery “Eleanor Roosevelt” G021 at Armón Gijón

Navaliber completes its works for the insulation of vehicle decks inside the new super-fast ferry that Armón Gijón is building for Baleària.
25 March 2021

Delivery “RV Belgica” C/723 at C.N.P. Freire

Navaliber finishes its works for the installation of marine insulation at technical spaces for the oceanographic research vessel “Belgica”, belonging to La Défense and built at […]
15 April 2020

Delivery “São Gabriel” C/018 at WestSEA

Navaliber has made the interior accommodation for the river cruise “São Gabriel” of Douro Azul, built in the WestSEA facilities in Viana do Castelo, Portugal.